Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tweak Your Template by Adding a Tag Cloud Widget

So you've probably seen the tag clouds on Flickr and Technorati, and wouldn't that be great to get that widget on your blog? It's actually pretty easy. There are a few tweaks that you will have to make to the template, so be sure that you download a copy of it from the HTML editing page.

Phydeaux3 has come up with a really creative and easy-to-customize widget that displays tags on your page. Tag clouds are described on Wikipedia as "weighted":

A tag cloud (or weighted list in visual design) can be used as a visual depiction of content tags used on a website. Often, more frequently used tags are depicted in a larger font or otherwise emphasized, while the displayed order is generally alphabetical.

To get the HTML changes, follow the directions on the phydeaux3 website, it's not difficult.

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